Uttarakhand Disaster Relief | Shri Narendra Modi to visit Shantikunj, Haridwar(22 June 2013)


Category :
disaster relief  guest visit  shantikunj  

Gujarat CM visited Shantikunj for Rehabilitation accessment of Kedranath disaster. CM Narendra Modi delivering speech at pravachan hall. Dr. Pranav Pandyaji welcomed Shri Modi by saying that Gujarat has always been ahead in being full of compassion, and how under Mr. Modi's leadership in just 2 years Gujarat got back on his feet after the earthquake. Dr. Saheb shared how Shantikunj is taking the sankalp of rehabilitating people in the affected regions by adopting some of the Himalayan mountains. Shri Modiji said, that Shantikunj is such a place that you want to come and never leave. He reassured everyone that Gujarat will stand by Uttarakhand and do anything that is required as Gujarat knows the pain of loosing everything including the loved ones during 2001 earthquake. He praised the effort of Shantikunj's volunteers who under the skillful guidance of Dr. Pandya is doing all the relief work in such an organized way. He said, that there is no wonder all the different states have established their relief centers here in Shantikunj. At the end he thanked the efforts of everyone for doing great work for the society like Gurudev's teachings.

Release date : 24-06-2013

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