Kaise Bane Pujyavar ke Pran Pyre-Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya - Lecture 1985


Category :
p. p. gurudev  

In this amazing lecture Gurudev expresses his happiness towards all his dedicated parijans. He emphasizes that if you are part of me you need to act accordingly so my prestige does not get harmed. He mentions that in order to pass my test to check if you are a true parijan you need to do three things, which are reduce greediness,increase the definition of "Family" and abolish Ego. He further mentions that always be engrossed in my literature, treat others with respect, do not be ashamed to do littlest task, do not be lazy and treat others with kindness. In the end he concludes by saying that if you listen to my instructions, have trust in God, if you are willing to fulfill demands of time and willing to change your personality, be reassured that I will attract you towards me and you will pass my test.

Release date : 30-11--0001

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