Lecture-revered Dr. Pranav Pandya on Excellence in Corporate Culture ,2006


Category :
h. h. dr. pranav pandya  corporate excellence  

Lecture(2006)-revered Dr. Pranav Pandya on Excellence in Corporate Culture -In the Economical World India has important Place. -India is going to dominate World Technology, Culture and Knowledge. -We have to inculcate Spirituality in Corporate World. -Spirituality is Universal and Core of every Religion whether it is Islamic Religion, Hindu Religion or any other Religion. -Knowledge Economy is Governing the World today. -Major Problems-Stress,Anxiety,Life Style Disorder,Moral Degeneration,Disharmony in Family - Solution is no other than Thought Revolution -He talks about Spiritual Traits for Excellence in Corporate World.

Release date : 30-11--0001

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