H.H.Dr. Pranav Pandya ji Lecture - Mo Ranch Texsas Camp, August 4, 2013 Part 2 of 4


Category :
h. h. dr. pranav pandya  

This is a wonderful lecture by Dr. Pranav Pandyaji on the Tatva Bodh Sadhana and Nad Yog sadhana. He explained hat each night before you go to bed you should think of all the great things you have done during the day. Also, think of things that you did wrong and make a promise to yourself to not repeat it. He suggests that give all your worries to your mother Gayatri and that would give you sound sleep. Each morning imagine that it is your new birth, Be Born Again, and use it wisely. After practice of Tatva bodh, he explained what is Nad Yog followed by practice.

Release date : 19-08-2013

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