Brahmvarchas Research Institute(Shodh Sansthan):its Objective and Working


Category :
scientific spirituality  documentary  

Brahmvarchas Research Institute(Shodh Sansthan) -its Objective and Working -It is well Equipped Spiritual Laboratory -Testing of Sadhak(Spiritual practitioner)-before and after doing spiritual practices like Anusthan,Dhyan,Yagya,jap etc and satra(spiritual camps). -Study on' Alpha Waves and Delta waves' of sadhak doing Meditation showed that 'Resting Period of Heart increases,and Heart Rate decreases ,thereby minimize the chances of Heart-Attack'. Studies also conducted to check Lung Capacity,Blood Composition,Memory,Learning capacity of Sadhak. -It is the Center Working to Proof the Scientific Basis of Spirituality.

Release date : 30-11--0001

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